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Ecce Homo

Девојчето со кибритчиња - комбинирана техника на панел
100х x 90 см
Христос и Јуда - комб. тех. на панел
Агонија на животот - акрилик на платно
210х x 200 см
Стареење - акрилик на платно
200х x 210 см
Вечно чекајќи - акрилик на панел
Dying angel
Death and the Dervish - acrylic on board
100 x 80 см.
Jesus for sale (After Holbain) oil on panel
200 x 40 cm
Тешкото - акрилик на платно
200х x 160 см
Човекот со гитара - акрилик на панел
Dying angel
Агонија на животот (игра со смртта) акрилик на платно
210х x 100 см
Портрет на младата поетеса - ком.тех на панел
100х x 90 см
Девојчето со листот - акрилик на медијапан
Dying angel
Девојката што чека - акрилик на панел
Dying angel
Младата вдовица - комбинирана техника на медијапан
Dying angel
Девојката што чекаше - акрилик на панел
Dying angel
Discrowning - The Joker oil on panel
210х x 100 см.
Ацо Шопов (Црно сонце) комбинирана техника на панел
Dying angel
Никола Вапцаров (Земја) акрилик на панел
Dying angel
Човекот што чекаше - комбинирана тех. на панел
Dying angel
Жената во црно - комбинирана техника на медијапан
90х x 70 см
Старост - акрилик на панел
100 cm x 80 cm
Девојчето од болницата - акрилик на панел
100х x 90 см
Во чекалната - акрилик на панел
100х x 90 см
Portrait of the Lunatic - oil on board
100 x 90 см.
Pieta - oil on canvas
200 x 80 cm
St. Sebastian - oil on wood
200х x 80 см
The Raising of Lazarus - acrylic on canvas
200 x 80 cm
The Descent from the Cross - mix. media on canvas
200 x 80 cm
Passion of Christ - oil on canvas
200 x 80 cm
The Raising of Lazarus - acrylic on canvas - detail
200 x 80 cm
Jesus praying - oil on panel
60 x 50 cm
Winter Crucifixion - tempera on panel
60 x 50 cm
Myrrh-bearer - acrylic on board
100 x 90 cm
Myrrh-bearer - acrylic on board
100 x 90 cm
Christ Carrying the Cross - oil on board
100 x 90 cm
Глумецот (портрет на Коста Ангов) комбинирана техника на панел
200х x 80 см
Temptations of Christ in the Desert - mix. media on board
100 x 90 cm
The Last Supper - mix. media on board
100 x 90 cm
The Mocking of Christ - on board
100 x 90 cm
Temptations of Christ - detail
Mary Magdalene - acrylic on board
100 x 90 см.
Mourning - oil on board
100 x 90 cm
Mourning - detail
Mourning - detail
Lacrimossa - oil on panel
100 x 80 cm
Lacrimosa - acrylic on panel
100 x 90 см.
The Prophet Job - on board
The Prophet Job - mix. media on board
The Annunciation - acrylic on panel
60 x 50 cm
The Annunciation - acrylic on panel
60 x 50 cm
The Annunciation - acrylic on panel
60 x 50 cm
The Annunciation - acrylic on panel
130 x 60 cm
Meeting with the Angel - oil on panel
60 x 50 см.
Pass Over - acrylic on board
70 x 60 см.
Leaving - on board
60 x 50 см.
The Black Sun - on board
100 x 90 см.
Abandoned Graves - acrylic on board
90 x 70 см.
The Prepairing of the Cross - tempera on panel
170 x 50 cm
The Axe - oil on panel
110 x 50 cm
The Sale in the Temple - oil on board
90 x 70 cm
The Last Supper - oil on board
90 x 70 cm
The Plate of Salome - oil on board
60 x 50 cm
Crowns - oil on panel
50 x 40 cm
The Head of St. John the Baptist - tempera on panel
110 x 50 cm
The Crown of Thorns - tempera on panel
50 x 40 cm
Golgotha - tempera on board
60 x 50 cm
The Crown of Thorns - tempera on board
90 x 70 cm
The Prepairing of the Cross - tempera on board
110 x 50 cm
The Last Supper - tempera on board
110 x 50 cm
The Last Supper - oil on board
90 x 70 cm
The Prepairing of the Cross - tempera on board
110 x 50 cm
Agony in the Garden of Ghethsemane - tempera and oil on board
60 x 50 см.
Crown of Thorns in blossom - tempera on panel
40 x 30 cm
Mournings in front of the Grave - mix. media on board
60 x 50 см.
Remembering - acrylic on board
60 x 50 см.
Leaving - acrylic on board
60 x 50 см.
Tragedy - oil on panel
60 x 50 см.
Leaving - on board
60 x 50 см.
Passover - on board
60 x 50 см.
Melancholia - oil on board
60 x 50 см.
Prepairing of the Cross - tempera on board
110 x 40 cm
Jesus Carrying the Cross - oil on board
60 x 50 cm
Crucifixion - oil on panel
90 x 50 cm
Mary Magdalene - oil on mediapan
100 x 50 cm
Crucified without Cross - oil on board
60 x 50 cm
Mocking of Christ - oil on panel
60 x 50 cm
Pieta - oil on board
60 x 50 cm
Pieta - tempera and oil on canvas mounted on board
100 x 90 cm
Pieta - detail
The Joke on the Throne - oil on panel
90 x 70 cm
Mocking of Christ - oil on panel
120 x 70 cm
The Agony of Mary Magdalene - oil on panel
40 x 30 cm
Night over Golgotha (Tryptic) oil on board
300 x 100 cm
Golgotha - tempera on board
60 x 50 cm
Pinocchio - oil on panel
100 x 70 cm
The great Inquisitor - oil on panel
90 x 70 cm
Childhood - oil on board
90 x 70 cm
Кралицата - масло на панел
90 x 70 см.
Woman waiting - oil on panel
100 x 70 cm
The Blind Man - oil on panel
90 x 70 cm
The Blind Man - oil on canvas
100 x 70 cm
The Fool of God - acrylic on board
100 x 90 см.
The Curse of Cain - acrylic on board
100 x 90 см.
Karpalak - akrylic and oil on board
100 x 90 cm
Touch - tempera on panel
40 x 30 cm
Touch - tempera on panel
40 x 30 cm
Pray - tempera on panel
40 x 30 cm
Pray - tempera on panel
40 x 30 cm
Love Will Tear us Apart - oil on panel
60 x 30 cm
The Last Supper - oil on canvas mounted on board
100 x 90 cm
Parting - oil on panel
100 x 30 cm
Lazarus - oil on panel
60 x 50 cm
Crucifixion - acrylic on panel
40 x 30 cm
Crucifixion - oil on panel
Jesus for sale - detail
The Lamentation - acrylic on board
100 x 90 см.
Оплакување (централна слика од триптих) - масло на панел
100х x 190 см.
100 x 90 см.
The Descent from the Cross - mix. media on board
90 x 70 cm
Crown of thorns and leafs - tempera on board
40 x 30 cm
Nikolina - oil on panel
60 x 50 cm
Portrait of Dimitar Pijanmanov - oil on canvas
100 x 80 cm
Touch - oil on canvas
70 x 60 cm
Martyrdom - oil on canvas
180 x 70 cm
The Descent from the Cross - oil on canvas
160 x 70 cm
Jesus and the Blind Man - oil on panel
60 x 50 cm
Depression - acrylic on panel
90 x 70 cm
Waiting in front of the Hospital - acrylic on board
100 x 90 см.
Embrace before Death - acrylic on board
100 х x 80 см.
The Widow - acrylic on board
90 х x 78 см.
Judas - oil on board
100 x 70 cm
Self portrait - mix. media on panel
90 x 70 cm
Pandemia - oil on panel
100 x 80 cm
Self portrait - oil on panel
50 x 40 cm
Portrait of the poet Mihail Rendzov - oil on canvas
40 x 30 cm
The Prophet - oil on canvas
70 x 50 см.
Old Man with Flowers - tempera on canvas
100 x 60 cm
The Blind leading the Blind - acrylic on board
100 x 90 см.
The Blind leading the Blind (detail)
The Tragedy - acrylic on board
100 x 90 см.
Tragedy - detail
Memento Mori- mix media on board
90 x 78 см.
Memento Mori (детал)
Exit-Enter - acrylic on board
Exit - Enter - acrylic on board
Вечно чекање - акрилик на панел
Eternal Waiting - acrylic on board